Wednesday, December 26, 2007


I was thinking a lot over the past few days about our attitude around Christmas time. There is so much build up to this day and all this rush, stress, excitement, distractions. And then the day comes and its really not as huge of a day as we all make it to be in our heads. Its over just like that...I think I enjoy all the festivities during the month and everything that this time is about...JESUS BIRTH. I know I can so easily get caught up in all the hype and even get easily distracted and not sit quiet with the Lord. I felt the Lord really speaking to my heart a lot over the past few days and I felt myself telling Him no with my attitude..."I am on vacation and I want to do what I want to do." What a little child I was...after the day was over I realized and I already knew this but I felt it in my heart and it was real. Nothing can ever fill us or even compare to the closeness that we can have with Jesus. Its the best gift we could ever recieve and its a gift that never stops filling us. We got a tv the other day and I still like it of course but the excitement that I had the day we got it is gone. My excitement in Jesus will never end...its new, refreshing and thrilling everyday. How can people live and thrive without Jesus in there life...I don't get it. I love the need that have in my heart to be close to Him. I have experienced it and I have a strong desire to get back to Him. I just love Him so much and I am overwhelmed with his power to give us this never ending joy in our hearts. I want to be completely consumed with Him and not get too excited or assume anything in this world could ever bring happiness into my life. What a joke it is to think that stuff would bring me joy. I've tasted Jesus and nothing else could ever come thankful I am for the Lord saving me from living a life of trying to find fulfillment in everything but makes me sad to think of those I know that don't have this amazing, awesome, real neverending joy in there life that can only come from knowign and having a relationship with Jesus Christ. The most amazing gift ever in this world is free! Thank you Lord for your Son, the most wonderful gift we could ever recieve.

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